Thursday, August 2, 2012

How to Lose Weight - Wear This Perfume?

Why spend hours at the gym for, say, that hot date on Friday when slimming down could be as easy as a simple spritz and go? Well, your wish is Veld's command. The French perfume house just released the world’s first weight-loss fragrance, Prends Moi—a scent designed to "slim with pleasure."
"The perfume contains ingredients which release B-endorphins present in the skin and a ‘pleasure message’ is transmitted through the brain triggering a sensation of well being and an increase in contentment reducing the need to overeat," the Daily Mail reports. Studies found that after one generous spray each morning, 75 percent of women ages 18 to 70 who weren't on diets felt the perfume subdued their snack cravings. 73 percent also reported feeling, uh, "pleasured," whatever that means. Do you believe it or it's a gimmick?

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